Insurance for little one
Do u buy insurance after birth for your baby? If yes, which agent did u got from and how much did u paid for it?

Got all three (health, accident and life insurance) from great eastern, adds up about $500 per month (share between me and my hub). Depending on what you want to get, the premium varies. Like for example the health insurance, government gave the basic to all newborns and we just upgrade the plan. It’s a good thing to start at least the accident and health insurance as early as possible as their premium won’t be so high till you can’t afford. As for the life insurance, it’s up to you to think whether it’s necessary for your lo. We get that is cause we feel that it’s good to have, as it acts as a saving as well as emergency fund for our baby. So how it works is that you need to have a total amount that you want this plan to start off with. For example you want $25,000 and this $25k to be pay off within 5 years, then you every year need to pay the premium of $5k. After the 5 years, you no need to pay for the premium but the interest will keep rolling. So when it comes for emergency, like our baby grow up and goes to poly or Uni and is in need of money for school fees she can take a portion out while the rest will continue getting the interest.
Read moreYes I bought AIA Mum2Baby life insurance cum maternity plan during pregnancy which can be transferred to baby upon birth. As my baby had jaundice, insurance covered tt cost so at least it reduces my overall child birth cost. Premium depends on mum's age and the coverage u want. U do need a little research of what is available in SG. For me, I'm kinda the kanchiong type so I've secured life insurance, hospitalisation and endowment plan for baby. #FTM
Read moreAIA. You can message Mr.Francis Ng, 92373096 (Senior Personal Wealth Manager) He is a good agent. He only intro insurance he think you need or plan you need you also can ask him about it. No regrets to get insurance from him😇
Read moreDefinitely buy insurance. It’s so important. There are even plans that can be bought before baby is born. Price depends on your needs.. in my opinion, hospitalisation insurance is top priority.
yes. depend on which type of insurance you mean. for hospitalisation and accidental is about 100 plus.
Aia life and ntuc hospitalization insurance
Prudential. 85 dollars per month
we got from AIA
AIA. the best!