4 Replies

Stay strong ❤️ I suggest for you to set your boundaries with your in-law and husband. You are the mother and have every right to see/ carry your baby if you want. Do not be intimated by your MIL. If your husband won’t help, I suggest sitting him down and talking to him firmly. If he still does not want to participate, make decisions that will help yourself such as hiring help or moving back home. Don’t wallow in sadness as that may cause you to fall in deep depression. Don’t stress out about pumping and if need be, skip the boob and head to the bottle. Stay strong for our kiddo!!

These type of husband keep for what? 😂 Anyways just to share, the more you stress, the lesser the milk. Aparts from the stress contributed from your MIL and husband, you might wanna consider mix feeding. That way you can rest more as well. I do all the washing during confinement as well. If you can’t depend on your husband, you have to depend on yourself. Yes, we might get pains and cramps when we age, but at least it’s for our child. Stay strong mummy. If you need someone to rant to or talk to, you can always join mummy support groups. 🤍

stay strong mummy.. dont stress too much.. hugs

i moved back home. do it for you n bb.

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