How to solve the collic problem?
My daughter is currently having collic and everyday same timing will scream and cry. What can I do to ease her pain?

I usually give gripe water then rub my LO tummy and legs with Minyak Telon (Telon Oil, u can use Yu Yee Oil too! ) she will cry but i will continue to massage. For gripe water i give once only. If twice then i spread out 2.5ml and 2.5ml since she is only 4m old. For massage i do everytime during diaper change. Don't forget tummy massage for ur LO too. 😊
Read moreFor me, 1. Ridwind 2. I love you massage (YouTube) 3. Bicycle legs (YouTube) 4. Telon minyak 5. Probiotics biogaia (iherb or shopee cheaper)
Read moreYu yee oil and slowly rub and move their legs up and down... basically make them fart
I prop my baby up after make of she didn't burp, have to mature sure she sits upright
must rmb to burp her after every feed..use ruyi oil to ease her tummy discomfort.
I did massage with oil for my baby whenever she's having issue
Used ridwind for my girl at 2month. Got it at unity pharmacy.
Give a try to ridwind and probiotic biogaia
I gave Ridwind and used a bit of ruyi oil
probiotic works for me