Childcare or Extracurricular

Hi my daughter is already 3years and 3months and we were thinking of putting her on childcare(halfday) since I am not working. My husband and I are still hesitant, thinking we should put her probably on March and just enroll her on extra curricular activities especially on Music (she even requested for it). What do you think Mums and Dads?

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Great question, and one we've been toying with! The question to ask is do you think (s)he will benefit from socialising with others? If (s)he's shy this could be a good thing, yet others in your group may tell you it's better to wait until they are 4 so they get used to being away from you before Kindergarten. There's no right or wrong answer, suggest just trying it and see how they react. Although, there's a chance that (s)he may get sick more often too.

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7y ago

Thanks dear for the response! :) She’s not shy, she’s actually very friendly when interacting with other kids outside. As of now, she said she wants to ho to school. :) That’s also our concern, her getting sick especially when interacting with other kids. Anyways, that is part of growing up. We will just help her boosting her immune system. :) Thanks again :)

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I think you should do both. Frankly childcare / preschool and enrichment are different things. If she likes music then I would def send her for music classes.