To Resign or To Work
Currently I am in SG and my LO is in Philippines. I ddnt see my LO for almost 4 months now and he is alr turning 6 months. Should I resign and focus on taking care of my little on or not?

I also thinking about this matter...but if resign now, u have to think that it will be harder to get a job later as economy need times to recover...if u have no other plan like purchasing house etc in short term, den going back is better...but trust that border will be opened soon...
Hi, Sorry to hear that. I think the decision of leaving the job really depends on the financial conditions and the personal choice. Best would be to discuss with your husband about this and then make informed which is best for both of you
Wow this is a big decision. Poor thing.. you must miss him SO much ❤️❤️ If you do go back, will your family be alright financially? If so, then I would really consider going. It’s so hard to be away from baby.
i gave up my job during my pregnancy period and up to now i look after my lo, financially tight as my husband only work. but looking at your lo smile whenever he/she turn to you just melt
Is a tough decision to make. If financially alright, perhaps should go back as you won't have the chance to see his major milestone once you miss it.
I feel it’s really up to you If u can afford to go ahead and resign U have to consider the financial implications as well although it’s hard
I feel like it depends on your financial situation! If you have a comfortable amount of savings saved up and can afford to return home why not!
if you have the means, then i'll suggest going back to your LO. before you know it, he's all grown up
Sorry to hear that. It's best to discuss next steps with your partner or with your family. Take care!
I guess depend on individual i gave up my job to stay with my baby and i think it's all worth it.