12 Replies

i was the same as you mummy. everyone else i knew was vomiting but i was craving the unhealthiest kinds of food, esp high fat and oily. it’s not your fault, it’s how the hormones have affected you. don’t stress now because your appetite and weight gain will regulate as you approach second trimester. i was the same as you but no GD. unnecessary stress has adverse effects on pregnancy, don’t worry too much at this point about things that havent/may not happen! there’s time for your appetite might go back to normal :)

Hi Mummy.. Don’t worry, i am in my 11 weeks now too and i don’t have any morning sickness or vomitting yet. I crave for fried food particularly like nuggets, french fries but i do eat in moderation and control myself. I only get nausea when my tummy is empty, so i’ll need to eat and munch on something or else when my stomach gets too empty, i’ll feel uncomfortable and i’ll need to vomit out to feel better before eating normally and i get hungry every 2 hours after my last meal 😂

I’m the same! My appetite was great in first tri, didn’t have much nausea or vomiting. In my 2nd trimester gynae did tell me to cut back on sugary stuff and carbs, just to ensure bb doesn’t grow too fast so that I can keep to natural birth :) in my week 29 now and I gained 10kg! Did slow down the growth a bit coz I kinda have heart burn now and baby is takin up space, so appetite shrunk naturally 😂 take more protein than carbs! Will make ur feel fuller and satiated :)

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Hi mummy, I was like that too, eating a lot and craving for different stuff. Eating every 2 to 3 hours.. I'm now ending my 2nd trimester. I let myself eat so long as I'm not overeating and feeling nasty after that. Do try to look for healthier options though. And if baby is growing fine, there's nothing much to worry about. It makes me feel less stressful and happier after I satisfy my cravings too. Which is really important. You'll be fine. 😁

Hi I’m the original poster of this thread and just wanna say thank you for all your reassurances and sharing! It makes me feel less odd for sure because I thought having too good an appetite was unusual (too many MS and lack of appetite stories). Hoping my very unhealthy cravings (yes I wanna eat fries and nuggets and ice cream and chocolates everyday why!!) and overly large appetite goes away soon! Thank u all again 🥰

we are all on the same boat! I'm always hungry too, keep on opening my fridge every now and then n I was worrying about it also as it never happened during my previous pregnancies. after waking up from my afternoon nap is the worst, I will be very hungry and the first thing I'll do is to eat. 😂 currently at 6 weeks and hope I don't gain too much weight as this "always hungry" episode started early ...

I am just like you… I’ve gained around 11KG even before I enter trimester 3. I had nausea and slight vomiting as I enter trimester 2 but it didn’t affect my appetite. I am currently at week 31 and gained 14KG already. Weight gain was slightly slower for me at trimester 3 as bb’s taking up the space. 😂

Yes absolutely same! Was so hungry in my 1st tri, hardly any MS. I gained 6kg in the 1st tri. But don’t worry, your appetite should slow down in the 2nd tri. Mine did, and since 13 weeks until now (32 weeks) I haven’t gained any weight but baby is growing well. Don’t worry!

Me too! I’m 14 weeks now. I’ve put on 2.5+ kg so far (I’m quite short). Trying not to freak out! Hopefully our food cravings change soon and we start craving healthy food instead! 😂 haven’t been able to exercise from fatigue

same for me too! i get hungry easily and will be nauseous if i don't eat right away. gained 4kg within the last 3 mos. currently at 12w5d.

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