Do you cook or bake with your kids?
Do you cook or bake with your kids?
Voice your Opinion
Yes! It's so much fun
No, I don't know how to cook or bake.
I do other things to bond with my kids

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X pandai bake..Tp kalau masak utk lunch atau dinner, anak2 kadang ikut buat kerja kat dapur...tolong letak bahan2 masak dlm periuk..

VIP Member

bg dia tengok je..lebih2 tnggu pandai skit sok..haha..kecik nau, semua nak ke mulut

VIP Member

👍🍴🍅🍋🍉🍑🍒🍓 Health

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so much fun baking with them!

Kids will aleays do food prep


VIP Member

funny n happy with them

Tak pandai bake. 😪

VIP Member

Don't have much time

usually when cooking