According to your experience mummy, how long you had your contractions before you giving birth?
850 respon
anak 1st ..pkul 3 dini hari pcah air ketuban,start skit dri pkul 10lbh am...beranak pkul 4.44 pm baby boy.. contractions 6jm lbh anak 2nd lbh krng pkul 7 lbh am...asik rasa nk berak ...pkul 9lbh am p hospital...pcah air ketuban & rasa contractions dlm pkul 11 lbh am...pkul 12.15 tgh hri bby girl kluar.. contractions kurang 1 jm
Baca lagiI was told that I am going through contractions for 7 hours but I didn't realised about it at all till 7cm then only I felt the pain which is bearable 1 hour labor pain + 2 hours of pushing 😅
anak sulung start sakit dr lepas maghrib sampai la ke subuh esok tu baru baby keluar..anak second, sakit start 9pg and tgh hari tu baby da keluar da☺️ Alhamdulillah..
More than 12 hours.. End uo hujung2 diam je.. Angguk2 je klu di tny.sebab makin sakit. Bukaan lmbt.
14jam paling lama ank sulung . 2nd 9 jam . 3rd bakal² lg hihi
1 hours +. Alhamdulilah #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers
Baca lagi12 hours itu pun induced. 😭 Akhrnya emergency czer
8 jam lbih..czer..jln xbuka..slps 4 hari
15 minit only.but no contractions pain
No contractions at all