Find and Win with FJBenjamin Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller Giveaway

To participate and stand a chance to win, simply: 1. Participate in the contest here: 2. Find the missing piece and comment on it in the comment section below One LUCKY WINNER will receive FJBenjamin Babyzen Yoyo 2 Stroller

Find and Win with FJBenjamin Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller Giveaway
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The missing piece is A. I love how the Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller is designed to be ultra compact, super sturdy and plus, it folds and unfolds in just a blink of an eye! As me and my hubby are waiting for our little one to arrive, we really do hope to be able to win this stroller which will make it easy to bring our baby around as we travel. Its super lightweight design will also be easy for me to carry it around without my husband around as I am a very petite lady and might not be able to manage a heavy stroller. Lots of love!! ❤️

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