
613 Replies

The missing piece is A. Can’t miss out on the hype of Babyzen Yoyo stroller!

Answer: A ! Heared so much about babyzen and hope to win this for my babygirl.

The answer is A! Shopping around for strollers now and really hope I get it :)

Missing part is A.. Hope to win this stroller for my baby boy.. πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ˜

Missing piece is A! Hoping to win the stroller as I’m a first time mum =D

A! Want to replace my twins pram as its quite heavy for me to close by myself

The missing piece is β€œa”. Hope to be the luckiest mummy in this contest! ❀️

Click participate and enter your data here: https://community.theasianparent.com/contest/fjbenjamin-babyzen-yoyo2-stroller-giveaway-this-february/1825?lng=en

The answer is A! Looking for a stroller for my baby! This would be nice :)


Missing piece is β€œA”!! Would love to win this for my first born!! 😁

Puzzle A. Perfect for our coming 1st overseas trip after the lockdown. Yay

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