Hi hi, I am week 26 and gynae told me my baby weighs 1.2kg. On the big side…. Baby was weighing 650g at week 24 and doubled in size in 2 weeks😂 Husband blames it on my bubble tea and cake intake… Any one with experience delivering big baby? Would love some healthy snack ideas too I’m always hungry.. #FTM
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I’ve had history of sciatica nerve pain before I was even pregnant. Now that I’m 15 weeks… lower back ache and sciatica pain when I stand up. Wondering if it’ll get worse in trimester 3, so worried 😭 Also… first pee after waking up is so slow and need 10mins in toilet to full clear bladder😭😭 #firstbaby #firsttimemom #advicepls
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I just entered my second trimester and I’m on multi vitamins and fish oil. Should I still drink maternal milk? I’ve very sensitive taste buds and I can’t seem to consume maternal milk without gagging or puking. But I’ve been feeling guilty, like I have been prioritising my own well-being by not consuming what is good for my baby😭😭 I just really dread maternal milk and chicken essence. It’s so smelly. #firsttimemom
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3 drop of brown discharge Week 7+
Hello! #firsttimemom here… Went to the toilet and realised of brown discharge. Around 3 small drops… No cramps nothing. Still having usual bloat n nausea. Is it normal? I’m very worried #advicepls
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5 weeks and can see baby already?
Went for my KKH appt yesterday. Based on LMP I’m coming 8 weeks but KKH say I’m at 5 weeks. Able to see heartbeat during the ultrasound too. Spotted another baby(?) below the one with heartbeat but doc say there’s no heartbeat yet and can only confirm if it’s twin pregnancy or a shadow/light reflection. Feeling really puzzled…..#advicepls
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