Which of the following are you more concerned about next year?
Which of the following are you more concerned about next year?
Voice your Opinion
Find a new job
Getting pregnant

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InsyaALLAH moga dibri kshtan yg baek kewangan yg kukuh dan fmly yg bhgia smoai ble2 🥰😍

VIP Member

Nak sambut kelahiran baru. Moga segalanya dipermudahkan. #TAPactiveusers #TAPsupermoms

nak ade kebebasan mase dgn fmly, insha allah that day will come.

VIP Member

All except find a new job and getting pregnant #TAPsupermoms

VIP Member

all of above except find a new job #TAPSupermoms

2nd baby.. Doa kan smga d permudahkan.. Amin


All actually except getting pregnant

1. health 2. family 3. finance

all except getting pregnant

all except pregnant and job