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When I see something nice and is in trend. But usually will try to wait for sales unless I feel it's an item that will run out of my size
When I see something nice during shopping with affordable price. #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers
Read moreSize is an issue for me so if I see something I like and there's size, I would probably buy it.
I'm a minimalist, haha and hate new things at home. Only buy when I need to replace stuff
when something catches my eye during shopping - when i have no intention to shop at all
I am more selective with what I buy and also tend to buy second hand now.
I would definitely shop for clothes if I find sale or discount running
Only buy when need more clothes or pamper myself once in a while
Depends on condition of cloths. Buy classic designs, last longer
I dont shop anymore. Dont have the luxury of undisturbed time.