Breast milk
Just to check can I warm up the breast milk and pour it inside the thermal flask to keep it warm and bring out for my newborn to drink after a few hrs?

Usually I don't warm and put in thermal flask. What I did was bring the freshly pump one put in thermal flask when it's milk time I will have another thermal flask fill with hot water to warm it up instead. Will only heat up milk and put in thermal flask when next feed is 1 hour away.
Not recommended. The temperature of the milk may not be ideal for baby to consume already, unless you measure it before feeding. However, there’s concern about bacterial growth too
Best to consume the warmed breastmilk within 2 hours. Beyond that it’s not recommended.
Yes should be fine but just have warm milk and not very much heated
Not to long, bacteria will multiply very quickly at warm temperatures
Hmmm you'll probably need to sterilise the thermal flask first?
I bring a portable bottle warmer. Got mine from Philips
Maybe max 1-2hr? Otherwise bacteria will gfow
Not recommended.. portable warmer will be ideal.
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