can a pregnant woman eat durian?
Can pregnant woman eat durian?

Yes you can. Eat more if baby is underweight cause durian has lots of calories! But do watch out if baby is already in upper limit of weight. Dont want too big of a baby if u go for natural birth. And too much durian may cause higher risk of gestational diabetes as it has high sugar content!
Yes can eat but don’t consume too much as it’s very high in sugar and carbs. If you’re at risk of gestational diabetes then must cut down. Plus it’s quite heaty also. So if you do eat it be sure to hydrate well
Yes,you can eat. But not too much though. Durian has high sugar content and it may lead to high risk of gestational diabetes. Usually pregnant mummies only eat them at the last few weeks to bump up the baby's weight.
Yes. Moderation will do! Don’t over. Sugar intake is very high! Some women has diabetes during pregnancy and they can’t eat at all. Do drink losta water. Enjoy your durian feast with family or friends! :)
I ate once in June and another time in July, end up baby grow bigger in my 34week to 2.7kg😂 so have to stop eating durian from now onwards…and must drink more water to hydrate yourself
Yes definitely u can eat durian during pregnancy but need to eat in moderation as it contains high sugar level. I had it in limited amount during my pregnancy.
i got eat durian before when my 2nd pregnancy and didn't turn well i admit hopistal but idk some ppl said can but not too much..
Durian contains high calories as well as potassium salt. Thus do consume in moderation if you don’t want to gain excessive weight
Just in moderation! Check out the Nutrition tool on this app. It's amazing and has durian featured as well!
I think is okay to have durian during pregnancy but must moderate. Maybe 3 to 4 piece should be fine