Can I still continue to use bio-oil during confinement for my stretch marks ?

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Absolutely! It will help to lighten it so dont stop and keep applying it. Personally i stick with my coconut oil. It has so many benefits, it is also cheap, good and natural. Im using Vitacoco Coconut oil. Can be purchased at watsons. You can also use it for baby. As a repellent, diaper rash cream, moisturizer or even add a teaspoon into babies food. Check it out!

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5y ago

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Yes, you can continue to apply to lighten the marks if you have any. However, if you are breastfeeding, you have to be careful not to let your baby touch your applied area as baby might swallow it.

Yep! It helps to reduce the appearance of stretchmarks although the results varies. For me personally it has done nothing :/

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VIP Member

Bio oil is gd. Continue to use till gone. It wks

Yes, of course.

Yes U can

Yes u can

Yes u can