Can I ask the nurses in the hospital to feed my newborn with my sister's breastmilk as I have very low supply? Anyone here has tried that before?

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I haven't tried it but breastmilk donation is so common now. At least you know that she is your sister and she does not have any infectious diseases that may pass through the milk. Although it may be discouraged because of hygiene issues I guess you could trust her since she's your sister. My concern is that your sister has a much older baby than yours and the milk composition may not be the most ideal for your baby. Breastmilk from mummies with bubs less than 6 months old tend to have thicker milk to help baby with weight gain and growth. Those who have older babies tend to have more diluted milk that consists of more antibodies to boost immunity.

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If you have just given birth, you don't have to worry as your milk supply has likely yet to kick in. Instead, what you are producing is colostrum which is a highly nutritious liquid for your newborn. Milk will only start coming in around Day 2 or 3. Get the lactation consultant to hand express or teach you how to latch your baby. My lactation consultant hand expressed 3ml of colostrum in a syringe for my baby on the first day. Babies also have reserves in their body, so don't worry if you don't see milk yet. I would not advise resorting to using donated breastmilk so quickly. In addition, most hospitals do not allow the use of donated breast milk due to hygiene purposes.

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I guess hospital will not allowed you to feed donated milk in hospital due to protocol e.g. safety reasons (hygiene, health risk from donor and etc.). What more your baby is still a newborn. Donated milk is not so popular in Singapore yet. Lactation consultant will encourage you to latch more during the hospital stay instead. In addition, newborn (1-3days old), their tummy size is very small and does not need to take in a lot of milk and thus, you do not worry if you have little supply. Nurse will feed your baby with formula milk if you do not have any supply at all during the hospital stay.

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