Can I ask the nurses in the hospital to feed my newborn with my sister's breastmilk as I have very low supply? Anyone here has tried that before?
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If you have just given birth, you don't have to worry as your milk supply has likely yet to kick in. Instead, what you are producing is colostrum which is a highly nutritious liquid for your newborn. Milk will only start coming in around Day 2 or 3. Get the lactation consultant to hand express or teach you how to latch your baby. My lactation consultant hand expressed 3ml of colostrum in a syringe for my baby on the first day. Babies also have reserves in their body, so don't worry if you don't see milk yet. I would not advise resorting to using donated breastmilk so quickly. In addition, most hospitals do not allow the use of donated breast milk due to hygiene purposes.
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