By what age/month did your LO had their ear pierced?

My baby got her ears pierced when she was 3 months old. The same nurse who assisted me during delivery was the same one who did the piercing. I personally asked her if it's still good to have the baby's ears pierced that time as compared to right after delivery. She said actually the earlier, the better as 1) baby's earlobes are the softest when new born 2) when baby's older tendency is she will move and make fuss more that you might have difficulty to make her still. I was not allowed to enter the room where the procedure happened and I felt so guilty as when it's done, my baby was delivered to me with tears in her eyes. :'( It surely hurts the baby regardless of the age it is done to them so just do everything to comfort her after.
Read moremy LO had her ear pierced at 3months.babies can manage the pain in different ways coz when they put the earing yes they will cry but if u distract them they wont noticed the pain its just like a injected like a vaccine my lo will cry only once just 1 cry like waa then stop no more.the earler the better coz they wont care about the earings and they wont touch it not like when there older where they can noticed and remove it.
Read moreAwww.. I'm still getting that urge feeling to have her ear pierced. I don't like to see her crying in pain. She's turning one, my pedia advised me not to have it pierced right after birth and asked us to wait for her anti tetanus vaccine.
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My little is 2 years old now but she still doesn't have earrings. I'm still trying to gauge if she can manage having one put on already.
It should be at least less tha 6 months old. My daughter doesn't have her earings until now.
when baby was 6months old. she screamed her lungs out. lol
Best to wait till she is arnd 6mo