Mummies & daddies.... Do u pierce your girl's ear? If yes, at how old? If no, mind to share why or simply feel that's no need to peirce at young age, they can decide for themselves when they grow up? I'm can't decide if I should get her ear pierced.....

Most of my friends pierced their daughters' ears when they are babies, not too long after birth, maybe 3 or 4 months. I reckon they do this because it's pretty common in the community and since the babies are really young, there is supposedly little memory of the painful memory. As long as it's done right and in a sterile environment, there won't be any harm done to the baby. I had mine pierced when I was barely a month old. I never thought about it much but looking back on my teenage years, I'm glad I had them pierced young because I saw some of my friends go through the harrowing experience. Personally, I'd pierce my daughter's ears when she's a baby. She'll probably want them pierced when she's older so why not just cut to the chase?
Read moreNo, just like tattooing, piercings are a form of body modification and I don't want to pierce my daughter's ears without knowing if she wants it. If it is painful for adults, what more little babies, with skin more sensitive than ours? I really wouldn't do it. I don't quite understand how people can recoil at babies getting tattooed but not at ear piercings. To me, babies shouldn't be subjected to our standards of beauty. Besides, I don't think babies look good with ear piercings. I had my ears pierced when I was 5 years old, after my mother asked if I would want to wear earrings. At least she sought consent instead of deciding for me.
Read morePersonally, I had mine pierced when I was in primary school. I was old enough to keep whining to have mine pierce. Though I was scared of the pain, my mother assured me that it will be like an ant bite. Since I was the one begging for it to be done, had to "man up" and face the pain. Wasn't too bad I think.. haha.. I think you can consider having your girl's ears pierced when she's younger if you are worried about the pain. For me, I think if she doesn't like it when she is older, she can simply let it "close/heal" by not wearing any earrings. Just my opinion.
Read morePersonally i think it is beautiful to have pierced ears. But at what age, that depends on you. Baby is easier to handle, kindergartners might get scared and run away during the process, wait till older and get consent also a good idea. The good side: your daughter can have fun choosing charming earrings to show off to her friends *wink*
Read moremy child pierced during 3 months :)
hee.. 1yrs old :)
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