Breastfeeding mum here. just tried having Sex with hubby but I am really damn dry (horny but dry). I have tried lubricant but it doesn't really help. (Using Durex). Any advice for me on how to increase my wetness - as it makes penetration and having sex very uncomfortable and spoils my mood. Ps- I am very attracted to my hubby Pps - I desire to have sex with him (so not dreading it)

Biologically it is going to be very hard because if u re actively breastfeeding then the hormones are such that it will be dry there. I not sure if a lot of foreplay will help. U use lubricant aso Dumex but just use lots of it, be very very liberal with it, put it on ur there and his there. Lots of it. At least it is water based and made for Shu use so i will use. I wont recommend to venture into others. But i also heard vasaline ?1
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Get lots of foreplay? After pregnancy, it's hard to get naturally wet easily. Lots of foreplay is needed
Badass Momma