Adults decision

Hello Me and my boyfriend told our respective families and my family suggested that I am to abort due to both of family unable to support both of us and would be the only one taking care of the child. I am 12 weeks in and I feel sad cause I have no choice as I have to abort it. I was told if I give birth not only would I suffer, both my boyfriend and the baby will suffer. Due to lack of support financially. We yet to get married or get a house because it happened all of the sudden. Would there be other solutions that allows me to give birth or would it really be a better choice to really follow what the adults mentioned - abortion?

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i am married for 10yrs, had been trying to get one. my womb is not strong from the start. u are lucky that u are able to get pregnant. me and hubby are financially stable but we werent so lucky to have one naturally. we went for ivf help and its still not an easy journey. my first round, i had miscarriaged at 5 weeks. i prayed, hope and have faith to try again for a second round and thank god, im pregnant with twins now. it is not an easy journey either ways with or without money. u and ur bf should think of this situation. if both of u wants it, work for it. do not listen to others. for sure once the baby arrived, u will get support from the elderly once they had seen the baby. getting a child in my religion(islam) means rezeki aka blessing, means of wealth. pls think again.

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