My boy is 8+ mths already and he still reject solid food like puree / instant cereal / blended porridge. I am so worried seeing him cry every solid feeding. I try not to force feed. I stretch his milk feeding time to 5 or even 6 hrs and try feeding with puree food first but it doesn't help either. He lost so much weight and dropped to10 percentile.

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There are few things u can try. Firstly, u shld try to feed milk before u feed solids especially if ur child is starting out on solids. Because if baby is too hungry they are too upset to enjoy the solids and will hate the experience. So give some milk but lesser than what he usually takes then u feed the solids Add his usual milk to the solids so that there is still some familiar taste to it Baby could be wanting baby led weaning. U can try that style or try giving those wafer biscuits for him to self feed. Some baby will prefer the food u are eating and wondering why u feeding them what u are not eating. It's a psychological barrier. So talk to the baby more or just eat from the same source (eat his porridge w him from his bowl) or give him the food u are eating too Hopefully u can solve the solids mystery soon otherwise u may wana see pd

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