Bio oil is not working on my stretch marks! Any other tried and tested methods to get rid of my stripes?

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I would like to recommend Mustela StretchMark Cream. I like the light smell and not very oily. Also, it is made of natural ingredients and doesn't contain chemicals (no parabens, phthalates, phenoxyethanol, bisphenols A and S, ca eine and alcohol). The main ingredient is Avocado peptides, which help to increase skin's elasticity. Also, it is safe to be used during breastfeeding. You can purchase it online here and it costs about $60 for 250ml. I used Clarins Oil during my first pregnancy, and Mustela for my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies. So far I do not have any stretchmark on my belly. The reason I switched to Mustela is partly because Clarins Oil is too oily for me. Some tips to share when applying any brand of stretchmark cream/oil: - apply right after shower so the skin can absorb it faster - apply in circular motion on the belly and gently massage it (not too hard) - apply on thighs too as the areas will get stretchmarks due to expansion.

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You can try coconut oil too, something not that expensive/high in commitment! I personally didn't have stretch marks until 32 weeks, and suddenly they started appearing ... One, two .. A few .. then suddenly one day it looked like a bear attacked me HAHA. Took me quite a while to be comfortable with it (photo attached is 11months postpartum) but I guess they're something like "battle scars"? Also, they fade away with time - so don't worry too much about them :)

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4y ago

does coconut oil really help

Some of my friends tried Clarins Tonic Oil and found it effective for them. You could give it a try! You can also try making this DIY stretchmark cream. The author used it for both her pregnancies and did not have any stretchmarks (and she mentioned that she has had stretchmarks on her legs when she gained weight during her non pregnant period):

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6y ago

Great. Thank you! 😊

Maybe try the Weleda Pregnancy Oil. It's primarily recommended for preventative stretch markcare, but since the act of massaging the skin can also improve existing stretch marks, this may be a good product for those with existing stretch marks. Ingredients include sweet almond, jojoba oil, and arnica. It is safe to use from the beginning of pregnancy, up to three months before giving birth.

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Use naturally made Mamaearth stretch marks creme.It effectively moisturizes and soothes itchy and dry skin and reduces marks and scars.It's totally free of toxins and also helps skin to regain elasticity.It's very much effective.

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-1969)

Use naturally made mamaearth stretch marks cream. It works effectively on marks and scars.It also helps skin to regain elasticity and moisturizes the skin. It has no toxins and is totally organic.

Try Mustela Stretch Marks Cream, Fragrance-Free, Avocado. Bought in Amazon. I like it. Absorbed well. No smell. Applied daily since 3 mths. I am now 6 mths and still not seen any stretch marks.

You can apply DL ICARE organic oil sister .. for me it’s work 100% .. I’m using during my first pregnancy .. so far no stretch mark .. now with 3rd child journey ..

I using the one from mothercare. Even my pre pregnancy stretch marks fades away and no new stretch marks saying hello. Smells better

4y ago

laser treatment