feeling the same as u too!! my LO will tend to laugh smile at my husband and others too but not me. At times i feel and think maybe baby and me no bond yet..read somewhere says will need to look into our baby eyes and talk more etc. now my baby is going to 3 Month she responds to by smiling and laugh. don't get this feeling burden you worst make u mentally stress..stay positive and keep doing what mama's got to do! 💪cuz we are wonderwomen. hahaha!
I hope this makes you feel better. I read somewhere that babies at infant stage, they actually see us as themselves. Like mother and baby = 1 person. Which is why you will realize they smile and laugh at others more rather than us. My LO used to be like this too, but now she smiles all day and if she’s in trouble, sad or pain, I’m the first one she turns to 😊.
Maintain eye contact with your LO when cuddling and smile/talk at the same time. That works for me. Now my hubby is doing that too and yesterday my LO responded to him.