Class for 3year old toddler ...?

- Bedok area - Weekend only - Fees - Educational (Read / Write / Draw) Advice please~ *my girl is already in N1 (Mon-Fri) Don’t worry... will not stress my child. Just want her to learn something (at her own pace) and get to know more friends. She is my only child, and I find that her weekend is rather boring recently. So, would Want to let her attend classes. She spends most of her time playing (too much) now a little change before she enter N2. Example: When I ask her : “Bedok/ Tampines?” She reply “Again????” (Weekend outing) Thank you ?

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I too have one child. he attends CC and recently, I signed him up for Chinese enrichment classes because nobody speaks Mandarin at home and also to improve his social skills. the other weekend, I plan outings. every weekend, we will definitely visit the library at different places... pool time, indoor playground days... home activities such as kinetic sand, painting... etc.

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