Busybody people
I went out to fairprise and no choice must bring my daughter who’s only 10 months old. She’s quite tall in height and look big so people often mistaken her for being older than her age... she still cannot walk thou... only crawl. The fairprise scold my child for not wearing mask... I told her that my child is too young to wear a mask... 10 MONTHS LEH... she go around shouting to her colleagues in her language about my child not wearing a mask (she tot I don’t understand her language) Most of my family are very tall including myself. I guess my daughter just inherited our gens. Plus the doctor told me that my daughter is growing faster than she should.... (sizes, height)

No doubt the staff need not be shouting to her colleagues in front of you but to be fair, I think these staff are under a lot of stress and burn from the public. The other day at supermarket, I alrdy noticed this family of father, mother and 2 kids because both kids were playing with their masks and obviously touching everything they see while happily seated in the trolley. Two staff approached them and based on their conversation, it appeared that another member of public told the staffs about this family again. Oh well, I could understand the concerns of public because this supermarket has been flagged out in news recently and everyone is very much “worried”. On the other hand, the parents couldn’t really control their children because kids being kids. Yet the staffs are being flamed by all parties.
Read moreI brought my girl to the mall for her vaccination last time, also got the security guard stoped me and said my baby should wear mask 🙄. I said she's just a baby, only 2 years old and above can wear mask because for such a young age it's too dangerous and can suffocate her. The guy insisted even babies should wear mask 😑. So yeah I totally feel you, some people don't really know the rules clearly and yet just want to scold people and feel superior. It's quite frustrating. In your case I'm sure your baby can't look like a 2 year old so that person also must be ignorant. I guess if they're staff you should bring the issue to their superior because they need to be properly educated and understand the rules so they don't make such assumptions in the future.
Read moreThese are trying times...I understand how you felt. As a mother I would defend my child and as a person I dont need to be publicly humialiated. However, try to see the positive side of things...eg they meant well for your child's safety just that they expressed it the wrong way...if we start arguing then we are no better than them...just walk away...be the bigger person...I hope your baby is ok. Stay safe.
Read morePoor thing. Maybe next time bring a photo of the birth cert and show them her birth date? Even if she’s tall for her age, surely she doesn’t look older than 2yo? Some people really like to say unkind things.. please ignore them. Just bring proof of her birthday so that even if they call any of the authorities, you can show it to them.
Read moreYes i feel u , I got a 'sharp stare' from aunties..... when i went down to the provision shop with my 14 month LO tat is not wearing a mask , in the pram drinking his bottle of milk .
NTUC security don't allow me to enter last month, because my 10months old boy not wearing mask 🤷♀️
Hang in there mummy. Like what they say, be the better person. Tho it's tough at times.
Some people may not be able to tell 1 yo from 2yo or 3yo, have to explain lor.
Ask for their store manager. Staff and security should be briefed on who should wear the mask.
Get the shield with the hat
That’s how it is.
mother of 4