My baby turns 5 months alrdy can start to eat solid food?

You can try, if baby is able to hold the head steady and sit up with support, and baby is able to receive the spoon into the mouth. Supervise baby closely to check for signs of choking/poor swallowing. Some babies are ready earlier, and some are ready later:)
For my LO, I gave at 5.5 months, she can sit upright without holding her and head and neck is very stable. I just started with scrape apple , banana and sweet potato. I gave like less than 1 teaspoon for the entire feed and alternate days.
Yes if your baby can sit upright and hold his head, lose the tongue thrust reflex which pushes food out, curious about the food you are eating, still seem hungry after all his feeds.
I read it’s when baby can support his/ herself to sit and shown great interest in food; but I’m choosing to wait till mine is 6 months old.
my bb starts at 5 month, cos the PD told us to start, she was able to lift her head since 3 months, and can sit with support from 4 month
Try to give ur lo in small amt first. Somebaby cant accept as their digestive system not mature enough will cause them diarrhea
I started to give solids to my girl at 5 months, as recommended by her PD as she could already support her head.
U can try but not all baby can accept. My baby started to eat solid about 7months. 😁
preferrably 6 months onwards but you can test try bit by bit to see if ready
As long your baby can sit upright unassisted, you can start feeding!