What is the main factor that helps you decide on the toiletry brand for your baby?
What is the main factor that helps you decide on the toiletry brand for your baby?
Voice your Opinion
The price
The brand
The key ingredients used in the product
As recommended by family & friends
Others (please comment)

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Ibu suka mencuba, tk kisah harga tk kisah brand. Tgk keserasian ank jugak. Mana yg ank suka, yg tu lah ibu akn repeat beli.

Need to observe baby's Allergy reactions to the product

Bergantung pada kualiti dan harga yang berpatutan

Recommendation and review from family and friends

VIP Member

Keserasian,tiada allergik

Recommended by doctor.

Make sure no paraben

VIP Member

All above😁

Super Mum

The quality

VIP Member

all above