6 Replies

It is said it's a natural for them to sneeze to clear out their nose passage, but if you're very concerned then you can take doctor's advise. Also, see if the baby is allergic to some dust in the room or a strong smell of perfume or deo or lotion.

VIP Member

Its normal for babies to sneez It's simply how they clear their nasal and respiratory passages of congestion and airborne particles. Sneezing also helps reopen a temporarily closed nostril

It is normal But check if he has some allergies or something if it happen continuously or try to find pattern when he/she does sneez

VIP Member

It’s normal for babies to sneeze more. But, it can also be a reason for any allergy. Get it checked with a Pediatrician

Super Mum

It's normal and natural thing. But if it cause more problem to the baby, then you should consult to a doctor.

It’s good to get your baby checked out with a Paed

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