why my baby refused real-food---- always????

My baby seems perfectly content with their milk, but the moment I try to introduce real food, it's like I'm offering them the moon on a stick (and not in a good way) Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? Here's what I've tried so far: - scheduled feeding - eating on high chair - exciting menus - sensory play (idk how it's related but everyone told me to stimulate her sensory more often) Nothing seems to tempt those tiny taste buds! Any tips or tricks for getting my baby on board with the exciting world of real food? Bonus points if you know: How long is it typical for this "solids aversion" to last? Are there any signs I should worry about (beyond the epic food fights)? Thank you very much

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Hi there! It's completely normal for babies to show some resistance when transitioning to real food. Every baby is different and some take longer to adjust than others. Don't worry, you're not doing anything wrong! Here are a few tips and tricks that might help: 1. Take it slow: Start by offering small amounts of pureed or mashed foods alongside their usual milk feedings. Gradually increase the amount and variety of foods as they become more comfortable. 2. Be patient: It can take multiple attempts before a baby accepts a new food. Keep offering a variety of flavors and textures, even if they initially reject them. Sometimes it just takes time for their taste buds to adjust. 3. Offer finger foods: As your baby gets older, try introducing soft finger foods that they can explore and feed themselves. This can make mealtimes more interactive and fun. 4. Be a role model: Babies often mimic what they see. Eat meals together as a family and let your baby observe you enjoying a variety of foods. They may be more willing to try new things if they see you enjoying them too. 5. Stay positive: Make mealtime a relaxed and positive experience. Avoid pressuring or forcing your baby to eat. Offer foods in a fun and inviting way, and praise any small progress they make. As for how long this "solids aversion" can last, it varies from baby to baby. Some may take a few weeks to warm up to the idea, while others may need a couple of months. Just remember to be patient and continue offering a variety of foods. In terms of signs to watch out for, if your baby consistently refuses all solid foods and shows signs of weight loss or failure to thrive, it's always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician. They can provide further guidance and ensure there are no underlying issues. I hope these tips help you and your little one navigate the exciting world of real food! Remember, every baby is different, so don't stress too much. They will eventually discover their own preferences. Enjoy this journey together and have fun exploring new flavors and textures! https://invl.io/cll6she

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Just curious, how old is your baby? You can try eating while your baby is eating. Seeing you enjoy your food may help encourage your baby to want to eat too. Another way is to mix in milk into their food, eg oatmeal, porridge, veg, meat, whatever else. At least there's a familiar taste there and the change is not so jarring.

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love how u pose ur qns... no magic for my kidz... just slow & steady