Moro reflex and started crying
Baby keeps waking up due to Moro reflex and cry like crazy. Should I pick her up everytime this happens or let her calm herself down. Baby is W3 now.
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Super Mum
Definitely try to soothe her by picking her up rocking patting, baby is far too young to learn to self soothe. It's important to let baby know she's safe and someone is there to protect her. Moro reflex will go away on its own eventually.
VIP Member
Yes, please carry your baby! Babies this young cannot self soothe or calm themselves down. To prevent moro reflex, can try to swaddle her or get a swaddle bag.
VIP Member
Perhaps swaddle may help her. Else if she should cry, pls carry her up and let her know that u’ll be there for her :)
Super Mum
I swaddled tightly before putting down. That helped tremendously
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