Inverted nipple and breastfeeding - Anyone has this but successfully manage to BF your baby?
Baby has difficulty latching and it's quite frustrating to BF. My milk production isn't that great either. I tried pumping but yield 35ml aft 30mins for both LB + RB :( help please!

First 1-1.5m I used nipple shields to breast feed. Currently EP since my little prata likes to twist, pull and bite my nipple (she has two bottom tooth😥). After months of EPing, my inverted nipple became protuded 😅 If you wish to continue latching, maybe engage a IBCLC to help you? My supply only went up after 2nd month. First two months I was struggling to meet baby’s demand. (3 pumps = 1 feed) What affected my supply was that I was too obsessed with looking at the pump (amount while pumping) and also the constant lack of sleep which contributed a great amount of stress. Not forgetting the terrible clogged ducts and two episodes of mastitis accompanied with swollen cocktail sausage nipples. Each pump session was 40 mins per boob as I needed to massage while pumping. I wanted to give up on BF so badly. I then switched to a handsfree pump since I need my hands to multitask (main caretaker). My first pump with the handsfree yielded me an extra 100ML with 20 mins lesser pump time, without even needing me to massage while pumping… I have since ditched my BeMine for BeFree. I am also taking sunflower lecithin to prevent blocked ducts.
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