How much breast milk should I feed my 9 day old baby?

Baby is fully on breast milk (I pump and bottle feed). In the 1st week I increased 5ml every day. Today I’m giving her 70ml per feed. Is this too much or alright? She tolerates it well currently and I plan to continue increasing 5ml everyday but I’m afraid her stomach is still too small. FYI baby girl’s weight is 2.5kg (last checked at 6 days old).

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feed by demand and direct latch on the 1st month, unable to tell quantity, each feed about 10-15mins. baby was 3.1kg growing well at 7+kg when turning 5months 70ml sound a lot to me as my girl drink 60-80ml every 2hours when she was 2-3 months and 80-100ml every 2hrs at 3-4months