Transitioning BM to FM
My baby is currently exclusively on breastmilk. Any advises from mums who transitioned their LO from BM to FM... 1. How did you do it? By starting with one feed fully on FM? 2. At what age did you transition them from BM to FM? TIA!
Start progressively by replacing 1-2 feeds and gradually increase the feeds you replace with FM. LO will reject initially but it’s normal. Subsequently LO won’t want BM anymore as they get used to FM. Just note that LO will poo more frequently as well due to the switch in milk as their body gets used to it, after couple of weeks they’ll be fine.
Read moreI mixed 30ml FM with 70ml BM at first (was recommended by doctor to do this), baby didn't like and refused it, then I lowered to 15ml FM which was ok. It's trial and error since some babies are more picky than others. I started with 30ml FM per day spreaded to multiple feeds and slowly increased.
Start with one feed of FM and the rest BM, slowly transit Can try from 6mo onwards
Yes. I did it at around 6 months. Starting with one feed of formula milk at first.
Progressive. Aft 1 yr old.