help. 20days old baby drinks alot
My baby is 20days old and he seem like to drink alot of formula milk. He started from 30ml and jump to 100ml in 6days. Isit normal to give 20days old baby that much?

My 2months old girl is currently drinking 100ml BM every 2hrs. I personally feels that 100ml formula is too much for a 20days baby & formula is heavier/fuller than BM. When my girl was about about 1month old, we gave about 60ml BM. Perhaps u can try to reduce the formula milk to 60ml or any amount you think it's suitable. Only if baby cries for more, than u give him 100ml. Fyi, I did not calculate her milk intake by using her weight/number of feeding per day. Some people does that. What I did was we tried with 30ml & slowly increase each week or when she demands for more.
Read moreThat is too much milk for that age. Try to regulate by giving lesser quantity and just topping up when baby still asks for milk. If we give too much milk, they might vomit the milk out often and in worse case, might even go to the lungs so be careful.
Some babies tends to demand for alot of milk all the time, or due to growth spurt. What is the interval between feedings for ur baby? Does he take 100ml every 2 hours?
try to regulate as much as possible but could be growth spurts from time to time
Yes normal
mom to baby Noah