12 Replies
37.1 is alright:) If the temp is below 38, you can do tepid sponging (sponge with a damp towel using room temp water). Actually the vaccination at 1 month old shouldn’t cause fever though... so if the temperature goes up, check for other symptoms and see a doctor if needed
A temperature between 37.5 to 37.9 degrees Celsius is a low-grade fever, and a temperature above 38.5 degrees Celsius is high fever. https://sg.theasianparent.com/baby-fever-what-to-do Go to the pd if you're worried or unsure
Mine was 37.6 and fed 1 dose paracetamol and the fever never came back. 37.1 still norm. You gotta measure 2 ears for more accurate readings.
37.5 consider fever, but I only give meds if baby become fussy or at least above 38
Do ask doctor what fever medicine is suitable if hit very high fever
Doctor never tell you what temperature is considered fever?
37.1 still ok...37.5 better bring to see doc
Anything above 37.5 you need to give med.
Usually baby temp is higher
If hit 37.5 it is fever