My baby is 14 months old. He doesn’t like to eat anything. My husband yells at him when he doesn’t . He cries a lot. How do I deal with this situation

Hi Anita, first of all let me tell you that you're not alone in this. There are many of us who have gone through the same with our kids refusing to eat. But there is no need to yell at him. Your baby is confused himself and yelling at him will only make matters worse. Instead, find out why he isn't eating. It could be because he's teething (at this that's a possibility). Maybe he likes familiar food and isn't getting any. He could also be cranky because of colic or reflux, or is tired, sick or distracted; or has a food allergy and cannot drink milk or eat nuts etc. If he isn't unwell or doesn't have any digestive issues, try to change his diet and add different solids into the mix. Try new fruits, he might like the change. Also, start giving him food with a bit of salt and ghee to add flavour. You can even add haldi/tumeric. Be creative with food choices and keep a close eye on his potty patterns. Unless he is irregular with them or has fever, a change in diet can be a refreshing change. If nothing works, take him to a doctor. But most of all, worry not and remain calm with your baby. It could just be a phase as well. Good luck to you, Anita.
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