12 Replies

Since giving birth, I’ve never felt a strong bond with my baby. Many people take care of him: my mom, mother-in-law, and the helper. They’ve been very helpful and let me rest. But for some reason, now (my baby is 4 months old), I just feel like a milk machine. My only job is breastfeeding. I don’t feel a deep love for my baby, just normal. Sometimes I stress about whether I’m a bad mom. Why is my husband closer to our baby? Why are others closer to my baby? But why am I not?

When I gave birth for the first time, I was extremely stressed, and it greatly affected my relationship with both my child and my husband, as well as with my extended family. Now my first child is 4 years old, and I’m pregnant with my second (this wasn’t planned…). Could I experience severe stress again?

I’m afraid of being judged if I ask for help... I once addressed my feeling and my family told me I can't be like that. my son needed me. My MIL even told me I'm a bad mother... How can I overcome this fear and seek support?

Since giving birth, and now my baby is 7 months old, I still often blame my husband. I get annoyed seeing him go about his regular activities while I feel stuck with the baby. Could this be postpartum depression?

Does lack of sleep affect a mother's mental health? But how do you avoid not getting enough sleep? 😂😂😂

Is there any food we consume during pregnancy that can actually increase the risk of postpartum depression?

What are the best ways to cope with postpartum depression while also taking care of a newborn?

Sorry I go anonymously... Can postpartum depression affect fathers or partners too?

Are there natural ways to manage postpartum depression, like diet or exercise?

Can postpartum depression come and go, or is it a constant feeling?

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