Are car seats mandatory in Singapore?

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Yes! Please invest in a good car seat. A good friend of mine was involve in a car accident in Australia while she was out alone with her son. She suffered a fractured leg and her son was thankfully unharmed because of the car seat. Check out babyfairs that are generally happening every quarterly at the Singapore Expo. They have a huge range of car seats available for you to choose from that comes with great discounts as well.

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Yes they are mandatory for every child below the height of 1.35m! for more info

VIP Member

Yes! There are so much reckless drivers out there lately! please use car seat regardless how young is your baby

Yes! Please ensure that you invest in a good car seat. You don't want to take the risk. Anything can happen.

Yes. Best to have.. Or moms with carriers.. Always babywear your kid.


Super Mum

Even if no manual for car seat, can check YouTube

Can I place it in van front seat?

Super Mum

Buy from carousel much cheaper