19 Replies
I used to have the same sentiments, wanted to wait until after birth then take the vaccine. But with the delta variant and increasing unlinked cases, I find even if I stay at home all the time, it’s not safe. Eg husband still going to work could potentially be the one that spread to me. I decided to take my first jab last week in the hospital. Nurse said that there is a doctor on duty, more assuring verse taking at community centre. In the event anything happen, can just go to gynae immediately. Was worried after the jab because I have never felt the baby’s movement. But guess what, felt baby’s movement for the first time the next day :) I joined this fb group with mummies from the world sharing their experience with the jab. Too many egs of pregnant women having miscarriage after contracting covid due to placenta issues. IMO after reading the fb grp, the odds of miscarrying is higher when contracting covid verse something happening to baby due to vaccine(haven’t read any eg yet). https://www.facebook.com/groups/433459851127376/?ref=share Hope you make the choice that feels most right to you :)
My EDD also Feb 2022. Initially i also wanted to wait till delivery then take. But after seeing the increasing number of unlinked cases and my family getting QO due to close contact with covid positive cases. Once i cleared with my gynae, i hurry went to take my vaccine. I was week 16 when i took my first dose. Waiting for 2nd dose now. ultimately, you make the decision for yourself. It can be very scary to take while pregnant due to uncertainty if the jab will affect your baby. But suay suay getting covid can be detrimental to you and baby health while pregnant. You just need to weigh the pro and con about taking the vaccine. Of cos in the end you chose to wait after delivery, just ensure you keep safe while in the community or minimise your social interaction.🙏
Please join this chat and decide: https://t.me/SGVaxxedWomen My edd is in April 2022, I’m afraid of taking the vaccine due to little research done on it and insufficient data that it is safe to pregnancy and unborn child . And I don’t want to take the risk to my baby, as the consequence will be long term. On the flip side I’m worried of catching COVID as well especially how the govt has been dealing with the situation so far, opening up etc, the vulnerable will be most affected. My Gynae says it’s okay to take but advises me on a step by step approach to take each trimester at a time and consider again later.
My Edd is in Feb 22 too! But decided not to take the vaxx. Gynae did encourage me to vaxc but that's to protect myself. He said, whatever happens to baby down the road tbh he also don't know as there isn't any research or study that's long enough to prove anything. Ultimately, it's up to you and how comfortable you feel about it. I feel suffocated not being able to dine out or do many activities but since I've to be on bed rest often, it kinda doesn't make any difference to me lol. And if I really do want to eat out or participate in any events, I'll just take the ART testing 😉
Hi mummy, the decision is ultimately up to you 🙂 It’s important to be weigh the pros and cons and be comfortable with your decision! I personally decided to take it at Week 22. Even though I’m WFH, my husband still goes to the office and we wanted to minimise any risks of transmission as much as possible, knowing that Covid will never disappear fully. Plus the antibodies seem to be passed on to the baby according to research! It’s true that research is not yet long-term, but in the end I decided that it was more beneficial than risky. Hope my two cents help!
My EDD is Feb too so i have the same worries as you. i know many doctors say it is ok but because my aunt passed 4 days after she got Pfizer and they say it is not conclusive if that is because of the vaccine. And i know a few friends who had menstrual irregularity but non are considered to be caused by vaccine so I'm putting it off till after delivery. im not sure if these cases are linked but my gut feel is they could be but not reported.. so i hope to keep myself safe until after delivery. all the best to you and wish you a smooth pregnancy.
thank u! yeah a lot of gynaes are recommending to take the vaccine now. my gynae had recommended against though due to insufficient data on effects on unborn babies. i think I'll go check with her again before deciding :/ have a smooth pregnancy and stay safe!
My EDD is early March 2022. Decided to get first jab tomorrow at 14+ weeks. Not ideal but forced to because of the risks of unvaxx outweighs the benefits. Do your own due diligence on the risks of Covid on both mum and baby. Ultimately decision is yours to make. Note that unlinked Covid transmissions are spiking up by +100% . Don’t expect government to take zero Covid stance for long. They want to open up and are expanding hospitals capacity to take on more Covid patients as we want “Covid resilience” and not “zero Covid”.
EDD in Jan 2022. Took my first jab at 16 weeks and awaiting for the next one at 20 weeks. Will be taking the flu vaccine and whooping cough vaccine that’s offered at 24 weeks. All is not compulsory. Gynae can only advised, but ultimately it’s your choice. If you can be close to 100% sure that you won’t catch Covid19, then don’t take if you don’t want to. Then again, who can? A pregnant woman catching the virus will have dire reaction and affects not only her but the baby as well. We are doing everything we can for the baby.
Agree with you. Taking my first jab today. 17 weeks and 6 days. Need to protect baby at all costs against covid. Hope it all goes well.
EDD March 2022 and looking forward to my first jab in two weeks time. My gynae encouraging me to go for jab. Actually I read many articles of pregnant mums had Covid and baby have to be prematurely taken out or even when give birth, the mum managed to hold her baby for 2-3secs before she passed on. I personally feel that it is my responsibility to take care of myself and also to protect my baby. There are many medical reports mentioned that the antibodies will be passed to baby.
My gynae encouraged to take, he mentioned that if pregnant woman get covid, the condition will be worse than other normal people. But i would like to wait till I deliver since i still can pass the antibody to my baby through breastfeeding. There’s not much studies about it and i just want to play safe. For now try to stay home as much as possible to minimize the risk of getting it. Ultimately it’s your choice, if you’re comfortable with it, you should get the jab.
Raven Tan