Maternity Or Early Leave
EDD on 20/12/2022, wondering when should i start to take leave before labour. Can I request doctor to write a letter just in case my company does not allow since it’s december and most people are taking leave for holidays.

It depends on your job and how tired you are? I projected my leave at 39 weeks but was working up till I gave birth (baby came 37wk 6 days) a few of my colleagues took leave around 38weeks etc. definitely speak to ur boss abt it and can definitely ask ur doctor to write a memo. I’d use my leave first as I want to maximise my maternity after giving birth
Read moreI will be using my leave (didn't use any this yr) first as they need to be cleared before 31dec. my edd is mid dec, so I'll be going on leave soon. will take maternity when give birth. iffff baby comes later than edd, I will have to ask gynae for hospitalization leave
you have the option of asking your gynae for hospital leave too. it allows u to stay home and rest before u give birth so not touching your maternity leave or any other leave that you can bring forward.