Pregnancy Ultrasound
I'm 7 weeks pregnant and I've only manage to get my first appointment at a government hospital for my antenatal check up 2 weeks plus later. Should I book an appointment with a private gynaecology clinic just to get my first scan to make sure everything is going well? And may I know how much does a ultrasound scan for pregnancy usually cost? Thank you!

Hi there, honestly, i think its fine to wait till your next check up, by then u will be able to see your baby clearly. If you are having any pain or discharge, please go to see doctor immediately. Its fine to go to see private doctor as well if you are not budget tight. For first time consultation plus scanning will cost between $300 to $400. Subsequently, it will cost lesser. Thanks!
Read moreseeing doc at 9th week is fine, still within the first trimester. u just continue to take your folic acid first. the first appt is just to date it so can compare with 2nd scan for edd. at least what I was told by kkh when I did mine. if u have pain/discomfort/bad morning sickness that is affecting your daily life, then see if u can shift it earlier
Read moreI went at week 5 gestation for the first scan. $200+ with utrogeston. if without, it's about $160 only. 2weeks appt is still alright. mine was 2 months later as I chose sgh. but I've changed to another hospital to have an earlier appointment.
If experience any pain or bleeding, u can walk in to kkh urgent o&g clinic. $300 like that with scan. Pls rmb to eat folic acid for first trimester
i guess 2 weeks plus is not so long. i feel its okay to wait unless u have spottings and cramps.