I will ignore her remarks as well.. too many insensitive ppl ard who will say such things (including those who did not give birth but still fat like me!)... frankly speaking this would be one of the lower tier remarks u will hear... there are worse remarks out there from brainless ppl.. and dun get me started on their brainless actions too (eg feeding infant hard cracker and giggling away, or saying feed baby one mouth of coffee, or saying baby very pathetic cannot eat the food on table or that the Solids we giving too little... then on separate occasion claim tat baby is full le while we only started feeding)... yup so I would say this is mild remark... esp from old folks they got nth better to comment on so we have to just ignore them and be the bigger (no pun intended) person! 😊
I imagine being a mother in her older generation also differs in the amount of information and research that we fortunately get to read about now. I would try explaining briefly, and if she takes interest, educate her more. It's normal to carry weight pp and the rate of losing weight really differs with every mama. While I'd probably not avoid her, I also sometimes deal with such comments actively through the practice of internal eye rolls. Know that there will be people in the community who stand by you and empathise with your situation!
I would say “it’s because my husband is feeding me well, thank you for paying so much attention to my weight”. The thing about people is that, if they’re trying to bring you down, the more affected you are, the happier they are and overtime it might lead to harsher comments. Show her that it doesn’t affect you and she’s the joke instead. No one can put you down unless you allowed yourself to be. 💪🏻
To be honest I won't really take it to heart since she's already in her old age and not like we are staying together under one roof. Furthermore old people tend to be more direct with their words. Avoiding her will only make it seem like you are too easily affected by what she says
I wouldn't take her comments into heart. If i were you, i'll thank her and say " at least i'm healthy ". 😆
i would ignore her insensitivity