Anyone able to advise whether can i give Ibuprofen/ Neurofen to 2 year 8 months toddler if he is not having high fever? Was advised by doctor to take for 2 days then after that paracetamol. TIA

If there is no high fever why will the doc prescribe iburofen? Panadol is always the first line of defense and in fact when they are having fever their body is trying to win the virus. I will not give Iburofen unless he is having high fever and it did not come down after panadol. For ear infection ear drops should also be prescribed. Be careful because the last time the PD said my gal has ear infection and she had a bit of runny nose , in the end it became UTI
Read moreIf there is no fever don't take the medicine. It's not meant as a prevention and it is not a medicine but just a symptom-relief-er. No fever DONT take. If during the 2 days got fever then take. If these 2 days no fever, then after that got fever then take paracetamol
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You should give paracetamol as a first choice. Unless fever goes higher then 38.5 then give ibuprofen. How long has the fever been going? Any other symptoms? Ibuprofen works as a pain relief as well.
Doctor should have prescribed anti biotic. Fever means the child is trying to fight off the infection. I hope he did prescribe medication for the runny nose.
Best not to use antibiotic
Ear infection should be on antibiotic? I believe ibuprofen is more suitable for high fever.
The mom mentioned ear infection that's why I asked about the antibiotics.