should i bring baby to see doctor?

my son is 3 months 19 days to be exact, he has been having fever fr 2 days. coughing and sometimes cough during his sleep for th past days. but during day n night he is still active, smiling and such buuuut he shout quite alot past days idk if its just bc he is playing with us hahaha anyway that aside, i checked his temp recently was 37.8 so i gave paracetamol that dr described during his 1st injection. shld i still bring him to see a doctor? idk what to do with his cough :( #firsttimemom

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Based on the symptoms you have described for your 3-month-old son, including fever, coughing, and increased irritability, it is advisable to bring him to see a doctor. A fever in babies under 3 months old is considered an emergency and should prompt immediate medical attention. Additionally, coughing, especially if it is persistent and affecting his sleep, could be indicative of an underlying issue that needs to be evaluated by a healthcare professional. While it is reassuring that he is still active and smiling during the day and night, his elevated temperature and cough should not be ignored. The fact that you have already given him paracetamol as prescribed by the doctor is good, but it is important to have him assessed by a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause of his symptoms and receive appropriate treatment. In this situation, it is best to err on the side of caution and seek medical advice for your son. It is always better to have a professional evaluate him to ensure his well-being and provide you with guidance on how to manage his symptoms effectively. Please consider scheduling an appointment with your pediatrician or visiting a medical facility for a thorough evaluation and treatment. Your son's health and well-being should be the top priority.

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I would just monitor. Would bring to doctor if fever past 5 days cause most fever last 3-5 days sometimes mild sometimes suddenly spike. Even go dr there wont be medication for cough and would just give paracetamol, same as hospital. And yes shouting is them discovering their vocals! As long as baby feeding well and good diaper output. But sometimes when theyre sick they tend to deink less milk, which is also normal. As long as theg still per every few hrs.

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I don’t think there’s any cough medication for baby that young. Pd always says if baby can feed, sleep and the “output” is normal, then there shouldn’t be a problem. But I guess it’s no harm to see a doctor when you have doubt, as FTM, we are always unsure of most of the things 🥹


i tend to self-medicate too but good to err on side of caution


