same boat with me....pregnancy diabetes
hi...any1 like me....22 weeks n on insulin for so called diabetes during pregnancy.....any1 in the same boat with me....

same hari ini prg check doktor ckp minggu depan masuk wad bersalin sudah....tiap2 hari kena jarum sdh takut😥😥😥 sekali kena ambil insulin 4 kali😰😰😰
me?? diabetic who gets pregnant 😪☹ hope baby will be fine. on insulin and med since 8weeks. 😟 i feel so bad for my baby. is everything gonna be alright?
Same here. Im type 2 dm b4 preggy. On insulin 4x daily. I feel bad everyday for my baby.
May i know at which level insulin will be giving? I'm 30wks now, also in diabetes group under foods control + medicine for 1st day today.
Tq for sharing.
Baru je test bsp yesterday.. Hopefuly only control diet.. Takut jarum 😣😣 esok jumpa nurse n doctor..
Ye ke...hehhee...hope everything will be fine.....dont wori...
Me🙋.. I'm type 1 diabetes..on novorapid insulin and lantus...struggling to maintain my BG...
I know how struggled you're... Last few days I met my endo.. He changed my lantus glargine to levemir.. So now I used novorapid and levemir..i increase the night basal so I managed to get the target rates.. I'm latest A1C is 6.1% keeps fighting mommy ...we're a peaceful warrior 💕💪
Hari ni akan check in hospital sbb kena start insulin. Boleh ke kalau tak nak masuk wad.. 😢
Im 15 weeks this week
Aku naik berat lebih 1kg nurse da bising 😂
Ye ke...hehee....i berat x naik pun sis......memang dari dulu kurang berat sebab muntah...doc memang pantau kita lebih teliti....
sama kita sis.. sy pun on insulin..
Ye ke kak...kalau songsang susah nak bersalin dgn induce/normal...dont wori kak all will be fine...usually diabetes memang kena bersalin 38 weeks. ..kak dah wori...cuba scan sekali lagi kak
Hoping for a child