After pregnancy and breastfeed, my breast become small and saggy. What can I do to make my breast have more nicer shape and more full. I am very depress and no confident. Pls help..

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I think it’s important that you talk to your husband to let him know how you feel. He should be able to understand. After all, your breasts were made for your babies and your hubby only. It does not matter what others think about it. You have done a wonderful job to nourish your baby and it’s worth it. I’m sure your hubby won’t mind as long as you communicate with him often and try to give him some intimate moments with you. Married man usually desire for the intimate moments with their wife more than the shape and size of their breast.

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You can do so with exercise and the right kind of bras :) Bras with underwire or bad support isn't going to help in any way, and they are usually just uncomfortable! Whatever it is, breasts are just lumps of body fat covering a source of nutrients for our children - so it's okay if they shrink/go "out of shape" after, you fed a child. There are many bras out there that you can try, I'm using the Romensa ones :)

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me too! i guess firming cream helps. frankly I hate my breast now. but it's worth it. breast was made not just for men to oogle at. it was made to feed our kids. thumbs up mummy!

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firming cream and push up bras! i only feel confident when wearing bra. When i'm naked, i am honestly grossed out by my body.

Omg same! I tink it oso boils down to exercise. There are certain exercises wher u can firm up e chest muscles appropriately.