3 Replies

For our kids' allergies, we use Alnix antihistamine and it works really great for them. Though it was recommended by our pediatrician so I think it is still best to consult your pedia first before making your child drink a certain medicine. Take note that antihistamine makes your child drowsy so don't be alarmed if they feel sleepy faster than expected after drinking the medicine. You can also use Claritin. a trusted US pediatric brand. It takes you a whole school day before it wears off plus it's non drowsy.

In case your kid succumbs to an allergy, better prepare some antihistamines and a decongestant to alleviate breathing problems, should there be one. Be careful in giving her seafoods by serving only a few bites. Allergies may be a life-threatening condition so it's best to consult your pedia first before feeding allergy-inducing foods to your baby.

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