9 Replies

Hi there! Don't worry, every baby develops at their own pace, and not crawling at 8 months is completely normal. Some babies skip crawling altogether and go straight to walking, while others may start crawling a little later. You can encourage your baby to crawl by creating a safe and open space for them to move around, placing toys just out of reach to encourage movement, and getting down on the floor to play with them. Tummy time is also important for strengthening their muscles and developing coordination. If you're still concerned, it's always a good idea to check in with your pediatrician, but remember that every baby is different and will reach their milestones in their own time. Hang in there, and enjoy watching your little one grow and learn at their own pace! 😊 https://invl.io/cll6she

But has he started something else? For example, sitting up, or pulling himself up, flipping, standing, Eating? etc. if so, then you don't have to worry, some babies just skip crawling or sitting etc altogether and proceed to the next step. if he has not, and had not yet flipped, not sat, nor mumble any words, nor has a lot of things he had not yet done, then perhaps you should look for a PD to evaluate.

I saw some mummies say their baby started crawling only at 9 months. Some baby fast some baby needs more time. And ive heard some babies even skipped the crawling stage

My LO (28m now btw) skipped crawling and went straight to sitting. She can hold herself on all fours but refused to crawl, she rather wriggle herself forward 😅.

Mine hasn't started crawling yet either. it's fine, each at their own pace.

Normal! My baby skipped crawling, went straight to standing 😂 its fine


my LO skipped crawling & only started 1st step after 12mo



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